GORG Jamboree

2023 Jamboree Website

Connecting to GitHub

GORG-Consortium Github Organization

We will be using github to some degree to share tutorial content. Tutorial content will be located here in this github organizational account: GORG-Consortium

This organizational account can be a central place for collaborative projects that focus on GORG data.

Please share your github username (via slack) if you would like to be added to this organization, you are welcome to create new repositories or contribute to existing ones this week and moving forward.

Interacting with github on the jupyterhub

You can clone repositories onto the jupyterhub without using a github account BUT if you would like to push up to GitHub, you will need to connect your GitHub account to your user account on the Jupyterhub and setup ssh key pairs.

First, setup your global configuration settings:

$ git config --global user.name "your username here"
$ git config --global user.email "email address here"

Make sure you use the same username and email that is associated with your github account.

Another useful global setting to user:

git config --global core.autocrlf input

Next, setup up ssh keys to pair with your github account. Instructions for setting up ssh key pairs can be found here.

Last updated on 28 Apr 2023
Published on 28 Apr 2023