Exploring tidysdm

Here we try our hand with the tidysdm, which is a Species Distribution Modeling (“sdm”) wrapper around and extension of the tidymodels suite of R packages. We’ll walk through the steps shown in tidysdm’s overview vignette using our Mola mola dataset. We already have a good sense of our obseravtions and covariates so we can skip the data preparation steps.

1 Special installation

First we need to install a developmental version of tidysdm. The dev branch is subect to a pull request; if it is accepted into the upstream repos then it will work its way into a CRAN release.

remotes::install_github("BigelowLab/tidysdm", ref = "dev")

2 Thinning the observations

Here we thin the data. The idea of thinning is to have one presence point per cell of the target raster output. For this purpose we’ll need not just the observation data, but also a raster of the desired extent and resolution. We have two rasterized covariate datasets we can load in, and then use one or the other as our template.

First, the observations…

source("setup.R", echo = FALSE)
bb = get_bb(form = 'polygon')
coast = rnaturalearth::ne_coastline(scale = 'large', returnclass = 'sf') |>
x = read_obis() |>
  dplyr::filter(date >= as.Date("2000-01-01"))

And now the covariates…

sst_path = "data/oisst"
sst_db = oisster::read_database(sst_path) |>

wind_path = "data/nbs"
wind_db = nbs::read_database(wind_path) |>

preds = read_predictors(sst_db = sst_db,
                        windspeed_db = wind_db |> dplyr::filter(param == "windspeed"),
                        u_wind_db = wind_db |> dplyr::filter(param == "u_wind"),
                        v_wind_db = wind_db |> dplyr::filter(param == "v_wind"))

We’ll take the first slice of sst as a template and convert it into a mask.

mask = dplyr::slice(preds['sst'], "time", 1) |>
  dplyr::mutate(mask = factor(c("mask", NA_character_)[as.numeric(is.na(mask) + 1)],
                              levels = "mask"))

plot(mask, breaks = "equal", axes = TRUE, reset = FALSE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(x), pch = "+", add = TRUE)
plot(coast, col = "orange", add = TRUE)

Now we can thin using thin_by_cell(). You can see the number of observations is greatly winnowed.

thinx <- tidysdm::thin_by_cell(x, raster = mask)
plot(mask, breaks = "equal", axes = TRUE, reset = FALSE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(thinx), pch = "+", add = TRUE)
plot(coast, col = "orange", add = TRUE)

Next is to thin again by separation distance.

thinx <- tidysdm::thin_by_dist(thinx, dist_min = km2m(20))
plot(mask, breaks = "equal", axes = TRUE, reset = FALSE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(thinx), pch = "+", add = TRUE)
plot(coast, col = "orange", add = TRUE)

3 Sampling background

Here we depart a little from the original workflow to use the full compliment of observations to generate a sampling bias map. We diverge from the original workflow because we have no observations of similar species”- Mola mola is unique.

First we develop a sampling density map to guide the backgroud selection if there is a sampling bias.

mask_vec = st_as_sf(mask)
y = dplyr::mutate(x, ID = 1) |>
agg <- aggregate(y, mask_vec, FUN = length)
background_raster = st_rasterize(agg)
pal = terra::map.pal("viridis", 50)
     col = pal, 
     nbreaks = length(pal) + 1, 
     breaks = "equal", 
     reset = FALSE)
plot(coast, col = "orange", add = TRUE)     

Ahhh, as you might have surmised, there are some places where observations occur more frequently than in other places (bias!) Now we select random points using this weighted map to guide the background point selection.

input <- tidysdm::sample_background(
    data = thinx, 
    raster = background_raster,
    n = 3 * nrow(thinx),
    method = "bias",
    class_label = "background",
    return_pres = TRUE) |>
  dplyr::mutate(time = lubridate::NA_Date_, .after = 1)
ix <- input$class == "presence"
input$time[ix] <- oisster::current_month(thinx$date)
plot(input['class'], pch = 1, cex = 0.2,reset = FALSE, axes = TRUE)
plot(coast, col = "orange", add = TRUE)

Next we need to think about sampling through time. We’ll borrow from ?@sec-introduction to make a weighted time sample.

nback = dplyr::count(sf::st_drop_geometry(input), class) |>
  dplyr::filter(class == "presence") |>
days_sample = sample_time(x$date, 
                          size = nback, 
                          by = "month", 
                          replace = TRUE, 
                          weighted = TRUE)
# recall ix is the logical identifying the class "presence"
input$time[!ix] <- days_sample

4 Extract points data from covariates

It’s easy to extract point data from raster.

input_data = stars::st_extract(preds, at = input, time_column = "time") |>
  sf::st_as_sf() |>
  dplyr::as_tibble() |>
input = dplyr::bind_cols(input, input_data) |>
Rows: 1,452
Columns: 7
$ class     <fct> presence, presence, presence, presence, presence, presence, …
$ time      <date> 2012-06-01, 2016-08-01, 2017-11-01, 2003-07-01, 2018-11-01,…
$ geometry  <POINT [°]> POINT (-66.60798 42.2943), POINT (-68.00023 42.60569),…
$ sst       <dbl> 12.45633, 20.16968, 14.89867, 18.12452, 16.69533, 27.77900, …
$ windspeed <dbl> 4.911994, 4.860674, 8.411347, 4.308283, 8.377000, 7.495667, …
$ u_wind    <dbl> -0.27018008, 1.58849359, 2.05362248, 1.27765775, 0.86364067,…
$ v_wind    <dbl> -0.54305273, 0.75563574, -0.73934704, 2.79159832, -1.1114074…

Now let’s look at the relationships among these predicitors. First a distribution plot.

input |>
  dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("class", names(preds)))) |>

We can then compute a distance metric that measures the “distance” between presence and background records for a given covariate. The bigger the distance the more suitable the covariate is for modeling. Just what consitutes enough distance is harder to know.

input |>
  dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("class", names(preds)))) |>
       sst     v_wind     u_wind  windspeed 
0.28953807 0.11841485 0.10805954 0.07949534 

We can alos look into correlations between the covariates. Except for windspeed and u_wind (the east-west component of wind) there isn’t any obvious correlation.


We can also deploy a filtering function that will indentify the uncorrelated covariates (and the correlated ones, too!) Noe that none are recommened for removal, so we proceed with all four. If any had been flagged for removal we would do just that.

vars_uncor <- filter_collinear(preds, cutoff = 0.7, method = "cor_caret")
[1] "windspeed" "u_wind"    "v_wind"    "sst"      

5 Fit the model by cross-validation

model_input = dplyr::select(input, dplyr::all_of(c("class", names(preds))))
rec <- recipes::recipe(model_input, formula = class ~ .)
── Recipe ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
── Inputs 
Number of variables by role
outcome:   1
predictor: 4
coords:    2
model_input %>% check_sdm_presence(class)
[1] TRUE
models <-
  # create the workflow_set
    preproc = list(default = rec),
    models = list(
      # the standard glm specs
      glm = sdm_spec_glm(),
      # rf specs with tuning
      rf = sdm_spec_rf(),
      # boosted tree model (gbm) specs with tuning
      gbm = sdm_spec_boost_tree(),
      # maxent specs with tuning
      maxent = sdm_spec_maxent()
    # make all combinations of preproc and models,
    cross = TRUE
  ) %>%
  # tweak controls to store information needed later to create the ensemble
  option_add(control = control_ensemble_grid())
input_cv <- spatial_block_cv(data = model_input, v = 3, n = 5)

models <-
  models %>%
    resamples = input_cv, grid = 3,
    metrics = sdm_metric_set(), verbose = TRUE
i   No tuning parameters. `fit_resamples()` will be attempted
i 1 of 4 resampling: default_glm
✔ 1 of 4 resampling: default_glm (293ms)
i 2 of 4 tuning:     default_rf
i Creating pre-processing data to finalize unknown parameter: mtry
✔ 2 of 4 tuning:     default_rf (2.9s)
i 3 of 4 tuning:     default_gbm
i Creating pre-processing data to finalize unknown parameter: mtry
✔ 3 of 4 tuning:     default_gbm (7.2s)
i 4 of 4 tuning:     default_maxent
✔ 4 of 4 tuning:     default_maxent (1.9s)

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