Maine PSP Forecast Project
Record NR, Evanilla J, Kanwit K, Burnell C, Cartisano C, Lewis B, MacLeod J, Tupper B, Miller DW, Tracy A, White C, Moretti M, Hamilton B, Barner C, Archer SD (2022) “Benefits and challenges of a stakeholder-driven shellfish toxicity forecast in coastal Maine” Frontiers in Marine Science 9:923738.
Record NR, Evanilla, J (2022) “Toxic algae closures: What kinds of predictions are needed?” National Shellfisheries Association Quarterly Newsletter 2022:2.
Grasso I, Archer SD, Burnell C, Tupper B, Rauschenburg C, Kanwit K, Record NR (2019) “The hunt for red tides: Deep learning algorithm forecasts shellfish toxicity at site scales in coastal Maine” Ecosphere 10(12):e02960.
“pspverse” packages distributed via github (mostly private but will become public)
pspdata Manages ingesting new observations and handling database
psptools Prepares forecast model input and makes predictions
pspforecast Serves real-time and past forecast predictions
Keras - Tensorflow
Deep Learning with R highly recommended text
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